CEVN2026 Numerical Methods
This module provides an in depth coverage of key numerical methods to solve practical mathematical problems that occur throughout engineering. This includes numerical analysis, regression analysis, Taylor series, numerical integration and solutions to ordinary differential equations, with applications to engineering problems through computational simulations using a commercial package, MATLAB.

CENV2035 City Infrastructure Design Project
This module focuses on developing an engineering project within the city that contributes towards a specific vision (accessibility to water, waterfront development, city gateway). Three big, bold and high impact physical engineering intervention ideas are already pre-defined throughout the city of Southampton; an interchange station, a bridge and a waterfront leisure hub. You will work towards the development of one of these interventions by envisioning a concept, design it and generating a deployment plan. This will integrate aspects of sustainability, structural design and project management.

SAP2000 Tutorial
This Youtube playlist will introduce you to the basics of structural modeling and analysis using the commercial general-purpose civil-engineering software, SAP2000, with emphasis on buildings. As part of this tutorial, you will be modeling and analyzing an example 2-story steel frame building with concrete floor slab.
A complete and detailed tutorial series on ABAQUS/CAE covering the modeling of a bolted steel beam-to-column connection under monotonic/cyclic loads as well as other RC examples and popular topics.